I made a complex script. But there was a problem. The timer went past 0. No errors on output.
Faulty script 1:
local replicated = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer if replicated.Timer.Value == 0 and replicated.Intermission.Value == false then replicated.Timer.Value = 20 replicated.Intermission.Value = true elseif replicated.Timer.Value == 0 and replicated.Intermission.Value == true then replicated.Timer.Value = 3 replicated.Intermission.Value = false replicated.Countdown.Value = true elseif replicated.Timer.Value == 0 and replicated.Countdown.Value == true then replicated.Timer.Value = 121 replicated.Intermission.Value = false replicated.Countdown.Value = false end while game.Players.NumPlayers <= 3 do if replicated.Timer.Value == 0 and replicated.Intermission.Value == true then local Blue = {} local Yellow = {} local Green = {} if player.leaderstats.Team == "Blue" then table.insert(Blue, player.Character) elseif player.leaderstats.Team == "Yellow" then table.insert(Yellow, player.Character) elseif player.leaderstats.Team == "Green" then table.insert(Green, player.Character) end local chosenplayer1 = Blue [math.random(1, #Blue)]:MoveTo(game.Workspace.R62_Trk1.Model.VehicleSeat) local chosenplayer2 = Yellow [math.random(1, #Yellow)]:MoveTo(game.Workspace.R62_Trk2.Model.VehicleSeat) local chosenplayer3 = Green [math.random(1, #Green)]:MoveTo(game.Workspace.R62_Trk3.Model.VehicleSeat) wait(120) end end
Faulty script 2:
while true do repeat wait(1) replicated.Timer.Value = replicated.Timer.Value - 1 wait() until replicated.Timer.Value == 0 or game.Players.NumPlayers <= 3 and replicated.Timer.Value == 0 end
In this script
while true do repeat wait(1) replicated.Timer.Value = replicated.Timer.Value - 1 wait() until replicated.Timer.Value == 0 or game.Players.NumPlayers <= 3 and replicated.Timer.Value == 0 end
is decremented repeatedly until it's 0. Then the loop runs again and it keeps going after 0 and doesn't stop.
In the first script, the while loop isn't just going to start looping again once the condition is true. The if statements aren't just going to do whatever it is they would have done if their conditions become true some time in the future. Use a Changed
event on replicated.Timer
to do things when the value changes.