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Group rank spwan?

Asked by 9 years ago

Ok so i want to make a Spawn that you will only spawn on it if you are a Certain rank in the group. But i want to make it with out teams.I want it to still be a open game and not kick anyone i just want it to spawn my members at a area. How would i do that?

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Answered by 9 years ago
01local groupId = 00000 -- Id of the group
02local minRank = 255 -- Number value of the rank, currently set at owner only.
03local obj = game.Workspace.GroupSpawn -- where they'll spawn
04game.Players.CharacterAutoLoads = false -- stops the player from spawning
08    if p:IsInGroup(groupId) and p:GetRankInGroup(groupId) > minRank then
09        p.RespawnLocation = obj
10        p:LoadCharacter() -- Loads their character
11    else
12        p:Kick() -- Kicks player
13    end
So could i make this with out the Kick? ken12345678900000000 0 — 9y

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