im trying to make it so thati can add a if statement into a instience child added but its not working what does work is
player.Backpack.ChildAdded:connect(function(instance) if (instance) then end print(instance.Name .. " added to the workspace") end)
but thats not really mutch of a if statement im trying to make it so that child added and the name is not Baton then it would print that but i cant figure out how to do this
So, as I understand it, you're trying to check if the new instance's name is "Baton" then print.
Assuming player is defined, all you have to do is check if the Name
Property of the new instance is equivelant to "Baton"
player.Backpack.ChildAdded:connect(function(instance) if instance.Name == "Baton" then print(instance.Name .. " added to the workspace") end end)