The question might not make sense, but i was wondering, how can a Touched event work with multiple parts, (EX: The player touches one of two parts, but it doesn't double the effect)
I could try with one script, or a few in each part. Either way, it's confusing.
Also, the 'Things' Variable is there to show of what I want the player to touch, but only works once.
Sorry if my question doesn't make any sense. I'm not american.
local things = {script.Parent.Chest.muzzle, script.Parent.Chest.muzzle2,script.Parent.Chest.head} script.Parent.Chest.muzzle.Touched:connect(function(hit) local human = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if not human then return end local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) if not player then return end local EnemyLevel = script.Parent.Level.Value/3 local EXPgainReduced = player.EXPtoGain.Value/2 local EXP = EnemyLevel+EXPgainReduced/5 local GUItoAdd = EXP/player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Level.Meter.Size.X.Scale while true do wait() if script.Parent.Enemy.Health < 5 then player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Level.Meter.Event:Fire(EXP) wait(31) script.Disabled = true end end end)
One way is making a value in the player that will change when he is touching an object. Its like debounce but there is one for each player. so you'd do
if Character.Touching.Value == false then