Hello, for my question I'm trying to figure out how to program one of my builds, so basically I programmed it when you left click on an image, it would set the transparency to 1and bring out the information to 0. Here is the code I've created and a few pictures for you to look at so you can have a more understanding. The Code:
local InformationGUI = game.Workspace.AtomBromine.InformationOnBromine.SurfaceGui.Frame local imageButton = InformationGUI.ImageButton local firstLine = InformationGUI.FirstLine local secondLine = InformationGUI.SecondLine local thirdLine = InformationGUI.ThirdLine local fourthLine = InformationGUI.FourthLine local fifthLine = InformationGUI.FifthLine local sixthLine = InformationGUI.SixthLine local seventhLine = InformationGUI.SeventhLine local ClickForInfo1 = InformationGUI.ClickImage1 local ClickForInfo2 = InformationGUI.ClickImage2 local title = InformationGUI.Title imageButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() imageButton.ImageTransparency = 1 firstLine.TextTransparency = 0 secondLine.TextTransparency = 0 thirdLine.TextTransparency = 0 fourthLine.TextTransparency = 0 fifthLine.TextTransparency = 0 sixthLine.TextTransparency = 0 seventhLine.TextTransparency = 0 ClickForInfo1.TextTransparency = 1 ClickForInfo2.TextTransparency = 1 title.TextTransparency = 1 wait(30) imageButton.ImageTransparency = 0 firstLine.TextTransparency = 1 secondLine.TextTransparency = 1 thirdLine.TextTransparency = 1 fourthLine.TextTransparency = 1 fifthLine.TextTransparency = 1 sixthLine.TextTransparency = 1 seventhLine.TextTransparency = 1 ClickForInfo1.TextTransparency = 0 ClickForInfo2.TextTransparency = 0 title.TextTransparency = 0 end)
And now the pictures to look at it, I will only show 2 pictures, one picture of the Explorer, and one to show what it does.
Link to see what's inside the Explorer: http://prnt.sc/8rzr7m
Link to see what is it in the game: http://prnt.sc/8rzq90 What is suppose to do is let you click on the image to bring out the information.
Thank you so much, I hope you will understand the question I'm talking about...