I uploaded a crouch animation. I replaced an AnimTrack's Animation ID in the character (the jump animation was replaced with the crouch animation.) When I jumped, the animation failed to load:
20:58:47.931 - httpGet http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=198606973&serverplaceid=95206881 failed. Trying again. Error: HTTP 403 (HTTP/1.1 403 Asset is not trusted for this place). Elapsed time: 0.151712 20:58:48.085 - Content failed for http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=198606973&serverplaceid=95206881 because HTTP 403 (HTTP/1.1 403 Asset is not trusted for this place) 20:58:48.087 - Content failed because HTTP 403 (HTTP/1.1 403 Asset is not trusted for this place) 20:58:48.087 - Animation failed to load : Workspace.Player.Animate.jump.JumpAnim
My own animations are not trusted, apparently. This happens with my other animations.
Roblox's animations work fine, though. Any clue why my animations don't work?
Also, the crouch animation is 9 months old, so it should've been approved. It's just a crouch animation. This happens on other accounts as well.
its becuase is 9 month old with the new update it isint compatible. thats what i think i had the same problem