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Why are my own animations "not trusted?"

Asked by 9 years ago

I uploaded a crouch animation. I replaced an AnimTrack's Animation ID in the character (the jump animation was replaced with the crouch animation.) When I jumped, the animation failed to load:

20:58:47.931 - httpGet failed. Trying again. Error: HTTP 403 (HTTP/1.1 403 Asset is not trusted for this place). Elapsed time: 0.151712 20:58:48.085 - Content failed for because HTTP 403 (HTTP/1.1 403 Asset is not trusted for this place) 20:58:48.087 - Content failed because HTTP 403 (HTTP/1.1 403 Asset is not trusted for this place) 20:58:48.087 - Animation failed to load : Workspace.Player.Animate.jump.JumpAnim

My own animations are not trusted, apparently. This happens with my other animations.

Roblox's animations work fine, though. Any clue why my animations don't work?

Also, the crouch animation is 9 months old, so it should've been approved. It's just a crouch animation. This happens on other accounts as well.

The animations may be pending. TheDeadlyPanther 2460 — 9y
edited Risinggods 10 — 9y
Are you trying to run these on a localscript? Animations can only be called from the server. I remember an incident was posted on SH similar to this awhile back, and the guy had the http service of loading animations being run in a local script, which errors. Legojoker 345 — 9y
I actually directly edited the AnimID in studio, no use of scripts. Risinggods 10 — 9y
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Is HTTP enabled? That might help TheDeadlyPanther 2460 — 9y
HTTPEnabled did not work. Risinggods 10 — 9y
@Deadly Yeah HTTP service isn't necessary for things like :LoadAnimation(). @Rising What's calling the jump animation though? Your spacebar can't directly call it; something has to be connecting the event to the animation. Legojoker 345 — 9y
So I went into the Animate localscript inside my character, went to the "jump" stringvalue, went into the "JumpAnim" animation object, then changed the AnimationID to my custom animation. I know this should work because ROBLOX animations worked on it when I jumped. Risinggods 10 — 9y
So it's the "Animate" localscript calling the animation, dependent on the ID of the JumpAnim object, which I changed. Risinggods 10 — 9y
Ok I see. I got confused; NPCs can't use localscripts and need server ones. Can I see the specific line of code you changed, and how you implemented this change through the userdata? Legojoker 345 — 9y
I didn't change the code in the "Animate" localscript, it just uses whatever ID is in the JumpAnim object. What I did was change the property of the JumpAnim object (its animation ID.) After this, I tested the animation by jumping (It would normally call the jump animation, but since I changed the ID, it should've called the CROUCH animation.) The animation did not load and I got the error after Risinggods 10 — 9y
...error after jumping. However, if I put in a ROBLOX-published animation, it would play the roblox animation just fine. Risinggods 10 — 9y
i face this same issue koolkid8099 705 — 9y

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Answered by 9 years ago

its becuase is 9 month old with the new update it isint compatible. thats what i think i had the same problem

I had the same problem too but once i switched to animating a r15 model it worked try to animate it with the mesh person that the roblox animator gives you.Hope it works GonFreecsRock 0 — 7y

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