So I am making an admin script, and all of them are good except for the shield. When the player chats "shield on" it will make a bubble shield around them. The thing is, when the shield turns on, it floats them away into heaven. Does anyone know how to stop that from happening? Btw, its part of a player.chatted function.
healthCanBeGenerated = false workspacePlayer = game.Workspace.DJwaffle2005 if msg == "shield on" then print("Turned on shield.") shield ="Part",workspacePlayer.Torso) shield.BrickColor ="Toothpaste") shield.Shape = "Ball" shield.Material = "Marble" shield.Anchored = true shield.Transparency = 0.5 shield.Size =, 24, 24) while true do healthCanBeGenerated = true local x = workspacePlayer.Torso.Position.X local y = workspacePlayer.Torso.Position.Y local z = workspacePlayer.Torso.Position.Z wait(0.1) if healthCanBeGenerated == true then workspacePlayer.Humanoid.Health = workspacePlayer.Humanoid.Health + 100000000000000 end shield.CFrame =,y-1,z-1.5) end end if msg == "shield off" then print("Shield has been turned off.") shield:Destroy() healthCanBeGenerated = false