Am I doing this right? I'm trying to make this script save all of the data from from my GUI. Like for example; I made a quest GUI and a player have to collect a certain of stone and if they collect one of them, then the image will show up. an you guys help me? Thank you for your time!
This is a normal script
script.DataStoreLib.Parent = Game.ServerStorage wait() script:Destroy()
This is a module script that is place inside of the normal script.
DataStore = {} DataStore.__index = DataStore function DataStore.ds(name) if type(name) ~= "string" then return end local ds = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore(name) local meta = {} setmetatable(meta, DataStore) = ds return meta end function DataStore:set(key, value)""..key, value) end function DataStore:get(key) return end return DataStore