I decided to switch to FE, so I don't get hacked. Can someone tell me what broke? This is in a server script inside of a text button in the startergui.
local passid = 236050258 -- The ID of the gamepass goes here local GamePassService = game:GetService('GamePassService') local player = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent --[[ while true do wait(1) for i,v in pairs(game.ReplicatedStorage.Perkers:GetChildren()) do if GamePassService:PlayerHasPass(player, passid) then player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui").WalkSpeedPass.Frame.Visible = true elseif player.Name == v.Value then player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui").WalkSpeedPass.Frame.Visible = true else player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui").WalkSpeedPass.Frame.Visible = false script.Disabled = true end end end --]] function hasGamePass() return GamePassService:PlayerHasPass(player, passid) end function isPerker() for _, perker in pairs(game.ReplicatedStorage.Perkers:GetChildren()) do if perker.Value == player.Name then return true end end return false end local frame = script.Parent.Parent while true do frame.Visible = isPerker() or hasGamePass() wait(1) end
With FilteringEnabled, the server no longer has access to clients' GUIs. Only LocalScripts can modify GUIs with FilteringEnabled, as LocalScripts run client-side. If you want a GUI to display on the client, you'll have to use RemoteEvents. Here's an example of how you could use a RemoteEvent to make your current method work with FilteringEnabled...
First, create a RemoteEvent
in ReplicatedStorage and name it ShowGuiEvent
Here's a basic example of what you're trying to accomplish:
[Script (in ServerScriptService or equivalent)]
local ShowGuiEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.ShowGuiEvent ShowGuiEvent:FireClient(player) -- player should be the player you want to send the message to
[LocalScript (parented to the frame you want to show)]
local ShowGuiEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.ShowGuiEvent local frame = script.Parent ShowGuiEvent.OnClientEvent:connect(function() frame.Visible = true end)
Keep in mind that the RemoteEvent can take up to 2 seconds to be received on the client (though it usually takes less than a second.)
To learn more about RemoteEvents and RemoteFunctions, this wiki page will likely prove invaluable.
Good luck! I hope this helps.