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What do they mean by this?

Asked by 9 years ago

O.O well it says 22:34:17.227 - Script 'Players.Player.PlayerGui.Health.LocalScript', Line 6 22:34:17.227 - Stack End but one thing that might be the problem the thing it says is: Frame is not a valid member of screengui.So can you plz tell me what they mean by that?

Please provide your code so we can help easily. Just putting up errors won't help since we can't know if other things in your script are causing those errors indirectly. LetThereBeCode 360 — 9y

2 answers

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Answered by
1waffle1 2908 Trusted Badge of Merit Moderation Voter Community Moderator
9 years ago

It means there is nothing there called Frame, either not at all or not yet. Use WaitForChild if it is supposed to be there but hasn't loaded yet.

Thx i got the defenition,still not working but thanks dracomaster153 15 — 9y
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Answered by
Bluseph 35
9 years ago

Did you make sure in the script you wrote out screengui.Frame instead of ScreenGui.Frame, and that the title of the gui in StarterGui is 'screengui'?

i did but its still not working dracomaster153 15 — 9y

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