So when a player clicks on "Create Team" button, the script creates a new team, then is parented to the Teams Service; as well as a desired name and Color for the team. The first team that is created works, but after I try to create another test Team with another color; more than 2 are created with the same name AND color. I've used debounces to see if it would fix but it has not.
Here is the script with excluded code that isn't necessary:
local globalTeams = {} local teamName = "" local teamColor; local CreateTeamGui = script.Parent local CreateTeamActivated = false debounce1 = false function CreateNewTeam(newTeamName) --This creates the new team. The problem may be in here if debounce1 == true then return end debounce1 = true local newTeam ="Team"); newTeam.Parent = game:GetService("Teams") newTeam.Name = newTeamName newTeam.TeamColor = gotColor debounce1 = false end debounce2 = false function nameInput(name) if debounce2 == true then return end debounce2 = true if CreateTeamActivated == true then teamName = name CreateTeamGui.CreateButton.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() CreateNewTeam(teamName) end) --When "CreateButton"is clicked, that function is fired end debounce2 = false end script.Parent.Parent.GuiHandler.ForCreateTeam.OnServerEvent:connect(function() --THIS SCRIPT SHOULD START WHEN THIS EVENT IS FIRED FROM A LOCAL SCRIPT if script.Parent.Parent.CreateTeamActive == false then --Checks a value outside of the script return else CreateTeamActivated = true end end) CreateTeamGui.TeamNameTextBox.FocusLost:connect(function() --This function handles the part where a player inputs their desired name into a textbox for the team. nameInput(CreateTeamGui.TeamNameTextBox.Text) --This may also be the problem. If not its in the function "nameInput"! end)
function nameInput(name) if CreateTeamActivated == true then teamName = name CreateTeamGui.CreateButton.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() CreateNewTeam(teamName) end) --When "CreateButton"is clicked, that function is fired end end
In this function, you create another connection every time it is called. The connection should be created only once.
local teamName="" local CreateTeamGui=script.Parent CreateTeamGui.TeamNameTextBox.FocusLost:connect(function() teamName=CreateTeamGui.TeamNameTextBox.Text end) CreateTeamGui.CreateButton.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() local"Team") newTeam.Parent=game:GetService("Teams") newTeam.Name=teamName newTeam.TeamColor=gotColor end)