The issue with the below script is that it teleports one players, and after the Blue player is affected, it teleports another player to the position and so on, how do I edit this script to teleport all players and then affect blue team and red team separately?
local blue = game.ServerStorage.Blue local red = game.ServerStorage.Red while true do wait(1) if blue.Value >= 100 then blue.Value = 0 red.Value = 0 game.Workspace:findFirstChild("Map"):Remove() mapstorage = game.ServerStorage.Maps:GetChildren() maps = mapstorage[math.random(1,#mapstorage)] local newmap = maps:Clone() newmap.Parent = game.Workspace newmap.Name = "Map" game.Workspace.Lobby.Music:Play() for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do -- ALL PLAYERS - Mainly this part. player.Character:MoveTo(game.Workspace.Resp.Position) player.PlayerGui.BlueWin.Frame.Visible = true player.PlayerGui.Int.Frame.Visible = true if player.TeamColor =="Bright blue") then -- BLUE TEAM ONLY local spawnb = game.Workspace.Map.Spawns.Blue player.leaderstats.Cash.Value = player.leaderstats.Cash.Value + 500 wait(20) player.PlayerGui.Int.Frame.Visible = false player.Character:MoveTo(spawnb.Position) elseif player.TeamColor =="Bright red") then -- RED TEAM ONLY local spawnr = game.Workspace.Map.Spawns.Red player.leaderstats.Cash.Value = player.leaderstats.Cash.Value + 100 wait(20) player.PlayerGui.Int.Frame.Visible = false player.Character:MoveTo(spawnr.Position) end end end end