Hey, I was wondering if someone could explain, function grab between line 85 and 128.
especially if (obj:IsA"Part") or (obj:IsA"Seat") or (obj:IsA"SpawnLocation") then
if (brickDistance(obj, pos) < grValue.Value) and (not obj.Anchored) and (h == nil) then
elseif (obj:IsA"Workspace" or obj:IsA"Model" or obj:IsA"Tool" or obj:IsA"Hat") and (obj ~= Player.Character) then
Full script is below, so yeah lines between 85 and 128
Please help, I would like to know how this script work.
TelekinesisRadius = 12 GrabRadius = 14 ReloadTime = .5 MaxForce = 1100400 function waitForChild(parent, childName) local child = parent:FindFirstChild(childName) if child then return child end while true do child = parent.ChildAdded:wait() if child.Name==childName then return child end end end Hopperbin = script.Parent Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer BrickScript = waitForChild(Hopperbin, "BrickScript") local debounce = false local TKCF = nil local grValue = Instance.new("NumberValue") grValue.Value = GrabRadius grValue.Name = "Grab Radius" grValue.Archivable = false grValue.Parent = Hopperbin local tkrValue = Instance.new("NumberValue") tkrValue.Value = TelekinesisRadius tkrValue.Name = "Telekinesis Radius" tkrValue.Archivable = false tkrValue.Parent = Hopperbin local rldValue = Instance.new("NumberValue") rldValue.Value = ReloadTime rldValue.Name = "Reload Time" rldValue.Archivable = false rldValue.Parent = Hopperbin local maxFValue = Instance.new("NumberValue") maxFValue.Value = MaxForce maxFValue.Name = "Max Force" maxFValue.Archivable = false maxFValue.Parent = Hopperbin --TKRadius = 32 TKPos = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0) local totalMass = 0 function brickDistance(obj, pos) if (obj.Shape == 0) then return ((pos - obj.Position).magnitude - obj.Size.magnitude / 2) else local relPos = obj.CFrame:pointToObjectSpace(pos) local nearPos = relPos if (nearPos.x * 2 > obj.Size.x) then nearPos = Vector3.new(obj.Size.x / 2, nearPos.y, nearPos.z) elseif (nearPos.x * 2 < -obj.Size.x) then nearPos = Vector3.new(-obj.Size.x / 2, nearPos.y, nearPos.z) end if (nearPos.y * 2 > obj.Size.y) then nearPos = Vector3.new(nearPos.x, obj.Size.y / 2, nearPos.z) elseif (nearPos.y * 2 < -obj.Size.y) then nearPos = Vector3.new(nearPos.x, -obj.Size.y / 2, nearPos.z) end if (nearPos.z * 2 > obj.Size.z) then nearPos = Vector3.new(nearPos.x, nearPos.y, obj.Size.x / 2) elseif (nearPos.z * 2 < -obj.Size.z) then nearPos = Vector3.new(nearPos.x, nearPos.y, -obj.Size.x / 2) end return (nearPos - relPos).magnitude end end function drop() if TKCF ~= nil then TKCF:remove() TKCF = nil end end function grab(pos, obj, harmless, MaxForce) if (obj:IsA"Terrain") then return end if (obj:FindFirstChild("Telekinesis Influence") ~= nil) then return end if (obj:IsA"Part") or (obj:IsA"Seat") or (obj:IsA"SpawnLocation") then if (brickDistance(obj, pos) < grValue.Value) and (not obj.Anchored) and (h == nil) then local harm = obj:FindFirstChild("No TK Damage") local oldScript = obj:FindFirstChild("BrickScript") if oldScript ~= nil then oldScript:remove() end local BrickScriptCopy = BrickScript:Clone() BrickScriptCopy.Disabled = false BrickScriptCopy.Archivable = false if harmless or (harm ~= nil) then local noDamage = Instance.new("BoolValue") noDamage.Name = "No Damage" noDamage.Parent = BrickScriptCopy end local tag2 = Instance.new("ObjectValue") tag2.Name = "TK CFrame" tag2.Value = TKCF tag2.Parent = BrickScriptCopy BrickScriptCopy.Parent = obj local mass = obj:GetMass() totalMass = totalMass + mass delay(0.1, function() if (totalMass * 1400 > MaxForce) and (mass * MaxForce / totalMass < 91700) then local bp = obj:FindFirstChild("Telekinesis Influence") if (bp ~= nil) then bp.maxForce = mass * Vector3.new(1, 1, 1) * MaxForce / totalMass end end end) end elseif (obj:IsA"Workspace" or obj:IsA"Model" or obj:IsA"Tool" or obj:IsA"Hat") and (obj ~= Player.Character) then local h = obj:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") local harm = obj:FindFirstChild("No TK Damage") if (h == nil) or (h.Health <= 0) then local list = obj:GetChildren() for x = 1, #list do grab(pos, list[x], (harm ~= nil) or harmless, MaxForce) end end end end function onButton1Down(mouse) if debounce then return end local newBrickScript = Hopperbin:FindFirstChild("BrickScript") if Hopperbin:FindFirstChild("BrickScript") ~= nil then BrickScript = newBrickScript end drop() local char = Player.Character if char ~= nil then local human = char.Humanoid if (human == nil) or (human.Health <= 0) then return end else return end TKCF = Instance.new("CFrameValue") TKCF.Name = "TK CFrame" TKCF.Parent = Hopperbin local relPos = mouse.Hit.p - Player.Character.PrimaryPart.Position if (relPos.magnitude > tkrValue.Value) then relPos = relPos.unit * tkrValue.Value end totalMass = 0 grab(Player.Character.PrimaryPart.Position + relPos, workspace, false, maxFValue.Value) mouse.Icon = "rbxasset://textures\\GunWaitCursor.png" end function onButton1Up(mouse) if (TKCF ~= nil) then drop() debounce = true wait(rldValue.Value) mouse.Icon = "rbxasset://textures\\GunCursor.png" debounce = false end end function updatePos(mouse) if (TKCF ~= nil) then local char = Player.Character if (char ~= nil) then local human = char.Humanoid if (human == nil) or (human.Health <= 0) then drop() return end else drop() return end local mouseCF = mouse.Hit TKPos = mouseCF.lookVector * tkrValue.Value if (TKPos.y < -4.5) then TKPos = TKPos * Vector3.new(1, 0, 1) + Vector3.new(0, -4.5, 0) end TKPos = TKPos + Player.Character.PrimaryPart.Position TKCF.Value = CFrame.new(TKPos, TKPos + mouseCF.lookVector) end end function onSelected(mouse) mouse.Icon = "rbxasset://textures\\GunCursor.png" mouseConnection = mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() onButton1Down(mouse) end) mouse.Button1Up:connect(function() onButton1Up(mouse) end) mouse.Idle:connect(function() updatePos(mouse) end) mouse.Move:connect(function() updatePos(mouse) end) mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(inst) local key = inst:lower() if key == "q" then tkrValue.Value = tkrValue.Value - 5 elseif key == "e" then tkrValue.Value = tkrValue.Value + 5 end end) end function onDeselected() if (mouseConnection ~= nil) then mouseConnection:disconnect() end drop() end selectionConnection = Hopperbin.Selected:connect(onSelected) Hopperbin.Deselected:connect(onDeselected)
Thanks for reading!
That function is indexing recursively, searching for parts. It isn't doing this very nicely, though.
is true if x
is a Part, WedgePart, TrussPart, CornerWedgePart, Seat, VehicleSeat, SpawnLocation, etc. Anything under this superclass.
The function checks if it's a part, and if it isn't a part, it searches through each object inside to see if they are parts, and so on until every part is found. This is recursion. Here's a cleaner example:
function GetAllParts(x,list) for _,v in pairs(x:GetChildren())do if v:IsA("BasePart")then list[#list+1]=v else GetAllParts(v,list) end end return list end local list=GetAllParts(workspace,{})