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How to open a PlayerGui? [UNANSWERED]

Asked by 9 years ago

This is not the full script (Only the part that isnot working) So my problem is when a Event (Disaster start there will be coming a Gui on the players screen Ex. Spoke Event is gone start..) << Doesnt matter but the Gui doesnot come on the screen and even the sound doesnt (EventsGui is into starterpack and Sound is in MuteMusic Gui > dataEE "Its a frame" > sound "In the frame is the sound") why does this not working? Don't mind the while true do i made it for put this part of ther master script to work. Error message: 17:28:14.014 - Workspace.Test:8: attempt to index local 'player' (a nil value) 17:28:14.014 - Stack Begin 17:28:14.015 - Script 'Workspace.Test', Line 8 17:28:14.015 - Stack End

local EvGui = game.Players:GetChildren('Player')
local Sounds = game.Players:GetChildren('Player')


while true do
    wait (5)
    EvGui.PlayerGui.EventsGui.EventA.visible = true
    SoundIdsA = {163211519}
    Sounds.PlayerGui.MuteMusic.dataEE.Sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"..SoundIdsA
    wait (5)
    EvGui.PlayerGui.EventsGui.EventA.visible = false
    SoundIdsB = {154630272}
    Sounds.PlayerGui.MuteMusic.dataEE.Sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"..SoundIdsB
    wait (5)
    EvGui.PlayerGui.EventsGui.EventB.visibile = true
    SoundIdsA = {163211519}
    Sounds.PlayerGui.MuteMusic.dataEE.Sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"..SoundIdsA
    wait (5)
    SoundIdsB = {154630272}
    Sounds.PlayerGui.MuteMusic.dataEE.Sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"..SoundIdsB
    EvGui.PlayerGui.EventsGui.EventB.visible = false

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Answered by
lukeb50 631 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

next time please post any error message you get, it can help

Now, the error is all over your script. lets take line 8 as an example

EvGui.PlayerGui.EventsGui.EventA.visible = true

you should have got this error message:

08:02:01.413 - visible is not a valid member of TextLabel
08:02:01.414 - Script 'Workspace.Part.SurfaceGui.Title.Script', Line 1
08:02:01.414 - Stack End

roblox code is Case Sensitive and visible needs a Capital V


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