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How do I make duplicated buttons work?

Asked by 9 years ago

I posted a video about this but it wasn't approved. Basically what I am trying to do is use a Tycoon kit. I wan't more step on buttons and items than what is in the kit. So I duplicated the buttons and scripts, changed the item name in the button script to match a new item . It isn't working. I have even used a new button and added the new item name in the script as instructed but it isn't appearing when stepped on. Am I not placing the item head where it belongs or something else I am missing? I have copied what was done in tutorial videos EXACTLY as it was done and it still isn't working for me.

My Video

Script of Buttons I am using in the Kit.===Drop1 was changed to item I wanted to use but item is still visible when game starts and or doesn't appear at all when button is stepped on.

model = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Drop1 --This is the MODELNAME. you made a desk in the instructions SO name the part called MODELNAME to "Desk". Then change price to what you want.

Upgradecost = 0 -- Replace The Price You Want Where It Says 100

upgradeStuff = model:clone()


model:remove() owner = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.OwnerName local ting = 0

function onTouched(hit) if ting == 0 then ting = 1 check = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")

if check ~= nil then
if hit.Parent.Name == owner.Value then
    local user = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
    local stats = user:findFirstChild("leaderstats")

    if stats ~= nil then
        local cash = stats:findFirstChild("Cash")
        if cash.Value > (Upgradecost-1) then

            cash.Value = cash.Value - Upgradecost
            upgradeStuff.Parent = script.Parent.Parent.Parent


ting = 0



I don't think it's our job to fix a tycoon kit. Free models come eith no warranty and no community support. User#6546 35 — 9y
Look up CodeTheorem's tutorials on how to make a tycoon, he takes you through the ins and outs of making a tycoon. Azmidium 388 — 9y

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