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Help with sounds?

Asked by 9 years ago

I'm making a simple music changer and using Stopped:wait() so it checks if the music has ended and putting other music on, I'm not sure if this is the way cause someone told me to use Stopped:wait(). I'm basically saying how can i check if the sound has ended?

Sound.Stopped:wait() Sound:Destroy()

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Answered by
Azmidium 388 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

Here is some example code that can describe what you can do.

repeat wait() until not Sound.IsPlaying

What the code is basically doing is gonna repeat wait() until the song ends or IsPlaying = false.

I hope this helped!

Sincerely, jmanrock123

Thank you, I hope this works! UltraUnitMode 419 — 9y
Please accept if it does, :) Azmidium 388 — 9y

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