Okay, so pretty much...I have 2 scripts...
local girl = game.Workspace.Girl1 local Sound = script.Sound:WaitForChild() script.Parent.Touched:connect(function() Sound:Play() girl.Arm2.Transparency = 0 girl.Arm1.Transparency = 0 girl.Head.Transparency = 0 girl.Dress.Transparency = 0 girl.Shoe1.Transparency = 0 girl.Shoe2.Transparency = 0 girl.Leg1.Transparency = 0 girl.Leg2.Transparency = 0 girl.Hair.Transparency = 0 girl.Head.Decal.Transparency = 0 wait(5) girl.Arm2.Transparency = 1 girl.Arm1.Transparency = 1 girl.Head.Transparency = 1 girl.Dress.Transparency = 1 girl.Shoe1.Transparency = 1 girl.Shoe2.Transparency = 1 girl.Leg1.Transparency = 1 girl.Leg2.Transparency = 1 girl.Hair.Transparency = 1 girl.Head.Decal.Transparency = 1 print("Jumpscare1 Part 1 of 2 success!") script.Disabled = true end)
local image = game.StarterGui.Jumpscare1.Image:WaitForChild() local Sound2 = script.Sound2:WaitForChild() local Sound3 = script.Sound3:WaitForChild() local Sound4 = script.Sound4:WaitForChild() script.Parent.Touched:connect(function() wait(2) image.Visible = true script.Sound2:Play() wait(3) image.Visible = false Sound2:Stop() Sound3:Play() Sound4:Play() wait(10) Sound3:Stop() Sound4:Stop() print("Jumpscare1 Part 2 of 2 success!") script.Disabled = true end)
Its for my halloween project, and for some reason WaitForChild never seems to pick up that the objects are there, so then it just waits for ever. The only error i'm getting in the output is "Argument 1 missing or nil" but its not missing OR nil...I'm really confused. I think you can tell what the scripts doing, but pretty much, a girl pops up behind the player, it plays a sound, then a few seconds pass and its gone again. That script is then disabled to prevent repeats... Then the second one triggers a jumpscare, sound, and then breathing and heartbeat noises. It is disabled as well.
Well first off, this part won't work,
local Sound = script.Sound:WaitForChild()
Because you are looking for something in script.Sound I think you are wanting it to wait for the sound, so that would be,
local girl = game.Workspace.Girl1 local Sound = script:WaitForChild("Sound") script.Parent.Touched:connect(function() Sound:Play() girl.Arm2.Transparency = 0 girl.Arm1.Transparency = 0 girl.Head.Transparency = 0 girl.Dress.Transparency = 0 girl.Shoe1.Transparency = 0 girl.Shoe2.Transparency = 0 girl.Leg1.Transparency = 0 girl.Leg2.Transparency = 0 girl.Hair.Transparency = 0 girl.Head.Decal.Transparency = 0 wait(5) girl.Arm2.Transparency = 1 girl.Arm1.Transparency = 1 girl.Head.Transparency = 1 girl.Dress.Transparency = 1 girl.Shoe1.Transparency = 1 girl.Shoe2.Transparency = 1 girl.Leg1.Transparency = 1 girl.Leg2.Transparency = 1 girl.Hair.Transparency = 1 girl.Head.Decal.Transparency = 1 print("Jumpscare1 Part 1 of 2 success!") script.Disabled = true end)
If this helps, please accept my answer, it gives us both rep!