So Mad studio has an intro where something falls and destroys the M for each and every player and every time they enter. I made my own original version of this and I scripted it so that for every person that joins the game would see the intro . Its a script inside the workspace
--if I enter a wait here (nothing works) local FB = game.ReplicatedStorage.firstblack local FG = game.ReplicatedStorage.firstgold local SB = game.ReplicatedStorage.secondblack local SG = game.ReplicatedStorage.secondgold local TB = game.ReplicatedStorage.thirdblack local TG = game.ReplicatedStorage.thirdgold local Sound = game.ReplicatedStorage.Sound local Sound2 = game.ReplicatedStorage.Sound2 local intro = game.ReplicatedStorage.introbuilding local cam = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera cam.CameraType = "Scriptable" print("Check") game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) print("Check2") Sound:Clone() print("Loading Part 1") intro:Clone().Parent = cam Sound2:Clone() print("Loading Part 1.5") FB:Clone().Parent = cam FG:Clone().Parent = cam SB:Clone().Parent = cam SG:Clone().Parent = cam TG:Clone().Parent = cam TB:Clone().Parent = cam print("Loading Part 2") print("Testing Intro with Player:" .. player.Name) wait(1) -- The sounds cannot be in workspace becuase everyone would hear it .... -- so do I clone it to the Local player? Sound:Play() wait(1) print("Loading Part 3") if SG.Transparency ==0 then repeat wait(.10) Sound.Volume = Sound.Volume-.15 until Sound.Volume == 0 --- there isnt an end so Idk if this will break the script cause Sound2 cant play yet... ---Possible error? print("Loading Part 4") Sound2:Play() Sound2.Looped = true -- the end. end end)
Your problem is that you're using a localscript in startergui, while using childadded. Use the same script in a normal script in Workspace.
Hope I helped.