How do I make a GUI stickers collector? Like when you see an item such as Sonic the hedgehog sticker laying on the ground and you touch it and then the picture show up in the GUI. How can I do that? Or it is impossible to make one?
You put the image id in a value in a folder in Workspace, and you give the sticker on the ground the same name as the number value in the folder. Then, create an onTouch() function. Make it look for the value with the name of the part that got touched. Once it's found it, look for the player of object that touched it. Then if it returns true, it simply makes the image on the gui visible. Like this:
game > Workspace > ImageHolder > SanicSticker
' game > Workspace > SanicSticker > Script V '
local p = script.Parent p.Touched:connect(function(hit) local h = hit.Parent;FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if h then local name = p.Name local find = game.Workspace.ImageHolder:FindFirstChild(name) if find then local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) if player then local gui = player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("StickerGui") if gui then local f = gui:FindFirstchild(p.Name,true) if f then f.Visible = true end end end end end end)