Hey guys! I just have a quick question and it might be straightforward or might sound dumb, but I'm trying to add animations to an NPC and I've noticed that I need to add a HumanoidRootPart and I'm unsure how to attach it... I've tried CFraming it through the torso, but that kind of broke the whole NPC. Help is much appreciated!
HumanoidRootParts are connected to the player by a Motor6D called "RootJoint". But first, you need to do the following to the HRP:
Motor6Ds are pretty much the same as a weld, except that they're a joint and a few other things. They have the same Part0, Part1 thing as welds.
I wrote this in play solo, and this is a screenshot: http://prntscr.com/8n0pw5
Hope I helped :)