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Can Particles Make Your Game Lag?

Asked by
ImfaoXD 158
9 years ago

I'm just curious about the new roblox particles. Could it make your game lag if you put too much particles in your game?

Yes, basically, if anything is placed in your game, it will create a proportionate amount of lag. However, make sure to run particles LOCALLY. If you run it from the server, the entire game will be forced into lag, but if you run it from the client, the worst that can possibly happen is each client obtains their own rendering issues (but at least the game will still function properly). Legojoker 345 — 9y

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Answered by 9 years ago

EVERYTHING contributes to your game's lag. If you run everything by the server, though, it will make things a lot worse. 10,000 particles/s doesn't noticeably lag if on client. Often lag is simply caused by a player that has a bad internet connection, so factor that in when developing.


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