So what I am making is a game called Crumble Runner. My problem is that the bricks won't fall in order, so I need someone to help me. Here is my piece of code:
wait(3) for i = 100, 1, -1 do -- This is how many bricks there are (100) local pads = script.Parent.Pads:GetChildren() local num = math.random(1, #pads) local unanchor = pads[num] unanchor.Anchored = false wait(0.8) end
for i,v in pairs(script.Parent.Pads:GetChildren()) do v.Anchored = false --Might be v or i, forgive me if it's wrong. I haven't scripted in a while. wait(0.8) end
That works the table identification into one line, along with the start of the loop and takes up half the lines you tried to.
I'm SquirrelOnToast, and you're welcome.