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How to make bricks fall in order?

Asked by 9 years ago

So what I am making is a game called Crumble Runner. My problem is that the bricks won't fall in order, so I need someone to help me. Here is my piece of code:

2for i = 100, 1, -1 do -- This is how many bricks there are (100)
3    local pads = script.Parent.Pads:GetChildren()
4    local num = math.random(1, #pads)
5    local unanchor = pads[num]
6    unanchor.Anchored = false
7    wait(0.8)

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Answered by 9 years ago
1for i,v in pairs(script.Parent.Pads:GetChildren()) do
2    v.Anchored = false --Might be v or i, forgive me if it's wrong. I haven't scripted in a while.
3    wait(0.8)

That works the table identification into one line, along with the start of the loop and takes up half the lines you tried to.

I'm SquirrelOnToast, and you're welcome.

Additionally you're gonna want to alphabetically order your bricks so they fall in the order you want SquirreIOnToast 309 — 9y
Lol. This already got solved. But I'll accept anyways. NeonicPlasma 181 — 9y

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