First off, let me say, every VehicleSeat in my game fails to respond (move at all) when I use the keys WASD or arrow keys while sitting in it. I thought I was just screwed until I noticed that every time I jumped from the seat, this appeared:
20:05:59.871 - RunService:UnbindFromRenderStep removed different functions with same reference name VehicleControlStep 2 times.
This appears every time I jump out of my VehicleSeat (that won't work whatsoever for some reason) and I assume that this is the error. How can I get this to not happen? Can I get some more information? Somebody suggested that I had done something to the RunService or whatever, but I've never even touched RunService before. It's just like this. Is there a fix, or something?
I have bearly no experience with scripting but it sounds like there's 2 or more names for the part you want to move. Try changing the name, if there are 2 or more. Or there is may be something wrong with the script.