Well, this is kind of a remix from my other question. My problem is, why won't this make 2 explosion parts explode?
while true do local expParts = script.Parent.ExplosionParts:GetChildren() local number = math.random(1, #expParts) local number2 = math.random(1, #expParts) local explosionPart2 = expParts[number2] local explosionPart = expParts[number] local script = game.Lighting.Script:Clone() local script2 = game.Lighting.Script:Clone() wait(0.5) local explosion = Instance.new("Explosion") explosion.BlastRadius = 25 explosion.BlastPressure = 250000 explosion.ExplosionType = Enum.ExplosionType.CratersAndDebris explosion.Parent = workspace explosion.Position = explosionPart.Position script.Parent = explosion local explosion2 = Instance.new("Explosion") explosion2.BlastRadius = 25 explosion2.BlastPressure = 250000 explosion2.ExplosionType = Enum.ExplosionType.CratersAndDebris explosion2.Parent = workspace explosion2.Position = explosionPart2.Position script2.Parent = explosion end
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