I need help with a script?
03 | for i, v in next , game.Players:GetPlayers() do |
04 | if v:FindFirstChild( "TeamColor" ) = = BrickColor.new( "Bright red" ) then |
05 | numPlayers = numPlayers + 1 |
06 | elseif v:FindFirstChild( "TeamColor" ) ~ = BrickColor.new( "Bright red" ) then |
07 | numPlayers = numPlayers - 1 |
11 | if numPlayers = = 0 then |
13 | local player = game.Players:GetPlayers() |
15 | local pickedPl = math.random( 1 , #player) |
16 | pickedPl.TeamColor = BrickColor.new( "Bright red" ) |
I got my script to where it'll put one person on one team and everyone else on the other basic team chooser script but now I need it to kick everyone off the teams every 60 seconds how would I do that can someone help me?