I want the Script to actually know if the user is not giving a Valid script through the .Chatted Method..
game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(function(Player) if Player:IsA("Player") then if Player.Name == "Player" then Player.Chatted:connect(function(Script) local Call = pcall ( loadstring (Script) ) if Call ~= nil then print("nil") end end) end end end)
But instead of printing "nil" it shows in the Output:
22:49:52.788 - attempt to call a nil value 22:49:52.789 - Script 'Workspace.Script', Line 5 22:49:52.790 - Stack End
is trying to call a nil
value. That is, loadstring(Script)
was nil
You have to check if loadstring(Script)
returned a nil value:
local f = loadstring(Script) if f then print("It's a script!") pcall( f ) else print("It's not a script.") end
Be wary of things like while true do end
crashing the server, or workspace:ClearAllChildren()
ruining it.