Guys, thank you for your helps. I am really appreciated your help a lot! But when i put the script into the text button, it still not working. How come? Did i put it in the wrong place? Can you guys help me find the solution?
But please check this screen shot that i took, so you can see what i'm talking about:
Also here is the script if you need to check:
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer repeat wait() until player.Character -- So no errors occur later on ;) local stats = player:WaitForChild('leaderstats') local statsname = "Points" local guiname = "ScreenGui" stats[statsname].Changed:connect(function() print('Changed') if stats:FindFirstChild(statsname) then print('IT EXISTS!') if stats[statsname].Value >= 10 then -- If the value is more than or equals to 10 then do: print('VALUE EQUALS 10!') if player:WaitForChild('PlayerGui'):FindFirstChild(guiname) then print('found the gui') player.PlayerGui[guiname]:Destroy() end end end end)