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Player can choose character to be?

Asked by 9 years ago

When player clicks on button, they need to change to the model in the Lighting

function Click(mouse)
script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.CharacterAppearance = game.Lighting.Models.Crazy

Not really sure what you're going for here, could you elaborate more? Also, I'm pretty sure there are some rules about needing click detectors when determining if someone's mouse clicked on a brick. If you're checking it from the mouse's perspective this isn't necessary, but this is something from a server script. Legojoker 345 — 9y
First of all, indent your code. Second of all, elaborate on your question. Have you tested this, what is / isn't working, what are the outputs? I think you'll find changing a player to a model in lighting is more difficult than you think. Uroxus 350 — 9y
This is not a request site, but it's possible. mine248 40 — 9y

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