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Admin commands? - so stumped

Asked by 9 years ago
            if string.find(gui.TextBox.Text,"ff;") then
                --local pattern="^ff;%w+"
                local match=(gui.TextBox.Text):match("^ff;%w+")
                if match then
                    local var=string.lower(string.match(match,".+",4))
                    for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
                        local player=string.lower(v.Name)
                        if var==string.sub(player,1,4)  then
                        local"ForceField", v.Character)
                    if string.match(gui.TextBox.Text,"^ff;me$") then
                    local"ForceField", Char)

So I really want to improve on this, because it truly looks very ugly. But i'm usin it for now (I made it), anyways the problem is the fact that some players have ridiculously long names on purpose, for example: "JohnCenaLover59595959422", and let's say I want to forcefield them, instead of typing that out, can I just make it so I only have to say: ff;john


Use string.find to see if a partial string matches the name of a player. For match patterns, putting "^" at the beginning of the string makes it only look if there is a match starting with the first character Validark 1580 — 9y
Yes after a couple of hours, I improved the code by a lot, it looks very pretty now. The only problem now, is say I want to admin my friend named 'Applesauce', and a user named 'Applesauce5' joins in. If I type admin;Applesauce it will admin both of them, how do I fix that? Thanks! LotsOfViolence 5 — 9y
use break when it loops so the closest matching one will do it and none otehr. User#5978 25 — 9y
Alternatively, keep track of how many users are affected by a command, and then handle it accordingly. If a command is sensitive, like `admin;[Name]`, tell the person that issued it that multiple people were found, and then do nothing. adark 5487 — 9y

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