Its still doesn't work, I put it in the text button and still its doesn't work. what do I do wrong? What I'm trying to make the script do is to remove the text button with the word "Unlock" labeled in the text button from the image button when a player have 10 points or higher. I want the text button to remove, so the player can see the image button when they have 10 points or higher. I just want the text button to remove when a player reach the requirement points. Please check the link below to see what I'm talking about.
Also here is the screenshot to see what I'm talking about:
And also try out this game if you want to see how's the gui look like, even though I'm not making a pokemon game. I'm trying to make an rpg game that unlock characters when a player have 10 points or more. Here is the link:
Also here is the script that many people from script helpers have helped me and I'm really thankful for their helps!
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local stats = player:WaitForChild("leaderstats") local statname = "Points" local guiname = "ScreenGui" stats:WaitForChild(statname).Changed:connect(function() print("Changed") if stats:FindFirstChild(statname) then print("IT EXISTS!") if stats:FindFirstChild(statname).Value == 10 then print("VALUE EQUALS 10!") if player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):FindFirstChild(guiname) then print("found the gui") player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild(guiname):Destroy() end end end end)