So for some reason on click it wont move forward, and in the output it says a Nil value.Help please
the error comes out as this 17:08:41.749 - Workspace.Airship.Panel.Script:9: attempt to call field 'FromEulerAnglesXYZ' (a nil value)
local Lever1 = script.Parent.Lever1 local Lever2 = script.Parent.Lever2 local airship = script.Parent.Parent function OnClick () airship.CFrame=CFrame.FromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,1,30) end Lever1.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(OnClick)
CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ() not CFrame.FromEulerAnglesXYZ.
Also fromEulerAnglesXYZ takes radians not degrees in it's arguments.
To convert degrees to radians use math.rad(degs)
local Lever1 = script.Parent.Lever1 local Lever2 = script.Parent.Lever2 local airship = script.Parent.Parent function OnClick () airship.CFrame=CFrame.FromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,math.rad(1),math.rad(30)) end Lever1.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(OnClick)