Its still doesn't work, what do I do wrong? What I'm trying to make the script do is to remove the text button with the "?" which is the "Unlock" as labeled in the text button from the image button when a player have 10 points or higher. But the text button is in the image button. I just want the text button to remove when a player have 10 point or higher. Check the link below to see what I'm talking about.
Also here is the screenshot to see what I'm talking about:
Also here is the script that many people from script helpers have helped me and I'm really thankful for their helps!
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local stats = player:WaitForChild("leaderstats") local statname = "Points" local guiname = "ScreenGui" stats:WaitForChild(statname).Changed:connect(function() print("Changed") if stats:FindFirstChild(statname) then print("IT EXISTS!") if stats:FindFirstChild(statname).Value == 10 then print("VALUE EQUALS 10!") if player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):FindFirstChild(guiname) then print("found the gui") player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild(guiname):Destroy() end end end end)
Thank You
If all you want to do is remove the TextLabel, change the
line to
When you destroy the entire ScreenGui, you also destroy all its children, including the text label AND the image.
I'm assuming that's what's printing "Knight," and I'm also assuming the script executing this is that LocalScript in your userdata, but if this wasn't what you were looking for, just rephrase the question.