nothing here seems to work, Studio says there are no errors, and it works fine there but not ingame! Here is the script ITS SUPPOSED TO CREATE AND FIRE THE BULLETS/MAKE THE GUN WORK IN GENERAL!! This is the script! You can comment on it (highlight and control click) Sadly i couldnt fit it here...
If it's telling you that "Handle" is not a valid , make sure that the tool has a brick named "Handle", make sure the handle is unanchored and make sure that bricks attached to the handle are welded. If The problem persists, use tool:WaitForChild("Handle") at the beginning of the script.
-- Oh! Okay, so below you said you changed it to a normal script, inside of that changle all of the parts that look like:
Like the above answer says, make sure Handle is named "Handle". Also, Studio doesn't care if you're using a LocalScript or a ServerScript(A regular script.) for anything. Without details, I can't really help you with much, only that you should make sure Handle is spelt correctly and that you're using a script.
**Remember: LocalScripts run on the client (The player's computer, phone, or tablet. Or otherwise the ROBLOX Client I believe.), while ServerScripts run on the game.