After learning how to use Region3 efficiently, I realized it is greatly limited. It can only return 20 parts at max! Is there a more efficient way to find ALL the parts in a region? I'm not looking for someone to "fix" my script, I'm looking for a method or a solution to my problem. Thanks!
My code utilizing Region3
function drawRegion(Start,End) return math.min(Start.X,End.X), math.min(Start.Y,End.Y), math.min(Start.Z,End.Z) ), math.max(Start.X,End.X), math.max(Start.Y,End.Y), math.max(Start.Z,End.Z) ) ) end
can return up to 100 parts; the default is 20. If you want to get more, repeat the operation while adding everything found to the ignore list until nothing more is found.
function getParts(Start,End) local region=drawRegion(Start,End) local found={} while true do local list=workspace:FindPartsInRegion3WithIgnoreList(region,found,100) if #list==0 then break end for i=1,#list do found[#found+1]=list[i] end end return found end