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How do you Add Spawn weapons to your game?

Asked by 11 years ago

For some reason it keeps on Rejecting the Weapons in the Start kit or what ever How do I?

Sorry, it was just a studio bug iiCasual 20 — 10y

4 answers

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Answered by 11 years ago

Drag the weapon you wish everyone to have when they spawn to the "StarterPack". This will make everyone who logs in, and spawns, to have the weapons. They will also regain the weapons when they die.

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Answered by 11 years ago

Could you be more specific? I am not sure what is causing the problem, but I'll try to help. Check these basic things: Are the weapons actually part of a Tool or HopperBin? Do the weapons have a part inside called "Handle"? Double check that you are putting them in "StarterPack" and not "StarterGui". And finally, always make sure to hit "Save" when exiting Roblox studio.

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Answered by 11 years ago

Step 1: Go to Roblox Studio Step 2: Click the Roblox tool the one with two screw drivers are crossing each other Step 3: Click the weapon Step 4: It will say would you like to put in start kit Step 5: Yes or No you want to put it into starter kit.

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Answered by 11 years ago

go into free models search fro the weapons u want put them in starter packs then go back into free models search for a blue spawn place it anywhere that should make a Bright Blue Team

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