I've tried using this script with BindableEvents, but there's no errors on the output. I've put a print section too, but it doesnt print anything.
So basically, is there something wrong with syntax?
local DataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("NicuWolfSlot1") player = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent local viewkey = "Colorsfor"..player.userId local Savedstuff = DataStore:GetAsync(viewkey) script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if Savedstuff[33] == "Pup" then print(player.Name.."has loaded a "..Savedstuff[33]) game.ReplicatedStorage.Species:Fire("Pup") script.Parent.Parent.Visible=false else if Savedstuff[33] == "Wolf" then print(player.Name.."has loaded a "..Savedstuff[33]) game.ReplicatedStorage.Species:Fire("Wolf") script.Parent.Parent.Visible=false end end end)