event.OnClientEvent:connect(function(...) local tuple = {...} if tuple[1] == "Result" then print("Result") end end)
player:LoadCharacter() local gameresult = "PlayersWin" if murdereractive then if #activecontestants >= 2 then event:FireAllClients("Result", "PlayersWin") else gameresult = "MurdererWin" event:FireAllClients("Result", "MurdererWin") end else event:FireAllClients("Result", "PlayersWin") end
I have these 2 scripts. I didn't post the whole thing, cause its 700+ lines long, but this is the part thats not working. If I dont have the :LoadCharacter then it works, but I NEED the loadcharacter. Is their anyway to get the OnClientEvent to WAIT for all players to have their characters loaded before it firing?