I am not very experienced with i,v pairs but i want to be able to start using them. It makes scripting easier and more organized. This is what i tried and it doesn't work, can someone tell me exactly what I'm doing wrong
songs = {"rbxassetid://236764932","rbxassetid://145154345","rbxassetid://202376551"} local folder = Instance.new("Folder",player.PlayerGui) for i,v in pairs(songs)do print(v) song = Instance.new("Sound") song.Parent = folder song.Volume = 1 song.SoundId = v song:Play() wait(song.TimeLength) song:Destroy() wait() end
plz help me................................
There are two issues with your script. The first is you never defined what/who player
was. Secondly, you can not call on song.TimeLength
. as it returns 0. To test this, just do wait(song.TimeLegth), it returns as 0. Here is the fixed script that plays the music in the folder.
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) local songs = {"rbxassetid://236764932","rbxassetid://145154345","rbxassetid://202376551"} local folder = Instance.new("Folder", player.PlayerGui) for i,v in pairs(songs)do wait() print(v) local song = Instance.new("Sound", folder) song.SoundId = v song.Volume = 1 song:Play() wait(90) --Because you can't wait the TimeLength, you just have to wait 90 seconds (the Length of the first song played) song:Destroy() wait() end end)