I added a script in my backpack that removes hats now I'm curious how to add hats WITHOUT welding I want this to be as smooth as possible here is my hat remover script
1 | for i, v in pairs (player.Character:GetChildren()) do |
2 | if v:IsA( "Hat" ) then |
3 | v:remove() |
4 | end |
5 | end |
Well, since you haven't shown an attempt to ADD the hat, I'll only give advice. You could insert the hat via the InsertService, then parent it to the player. It'll auto weld/place itself.
Use Instance.new to make a hat. Put in a part and a SpecialMesh inside of that with the mesh type set to FileMesh, and set that to the mesh of that hat you want the player to have. Or something like that. Or, you could do what the above answer says, and use InsertService.
Or...put a hat somewhere and clone it into the character
If it is a local script: otherwise up to you
1 | local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer |
2 | local hat = game.Lighting.Hat:Clone() |
3 | hat.Parent = player.Character |