I've been attempting to implement video ads into my game, and I can't quite get the VideoAdClosed event to function properly. The idea is, someone joins the game and is eligible to watch an ad. They can click a GUI, and watch an advertisement to earn 2 in-game currency. The problem is this; After someone viewed an ad, the script claims they didn't watch it. When they didn't watch it(they'd already watched 5 ads in that hour,) it also claimed they didn't see the ad. I need the script to differentiate between when someone actually watched the ad, and when they didn't. Here's the code:
plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer game:GetService("AdService").VideoAdClosed:connect(function(shown) if shown then plr.Tuudbucks.Value = plr.Tuudbucks.Value + 2 script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Thanks.Visible = true else local thank = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Thanks thank.Visible = true local cur = thank.TextLabel local te = cur.Text cur.Text = "Ad not shown. You may only watch 5 ads per hour." wait(3) cur.Text = te end end) script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if plr:FindFirstChild("Alive").Value == false then script.Parent.Parent.Visible = false game:GetService("AdService"):ShowVideoAd() else local tx = script.Parent.Parent.TextLabel.Text script.Parent.Parent.TextLabel.Text = "You cannot watch an ad while you're in a game!" script.Parent.Parent.TextLabel.Text = tx end end)