Here Is The Script That I Need Help With:
function Drop() local drops = {"item"} --Each Name Represents something in the Lighting. IT MUST BE IN THE LIGHTING, EVEN THE NOTHING! local G = math.random(1, 1) -- Change 1 to how many of drops there are ^^^^ local Obj = game.Lighting:findFirstChild(drops[G]):Clone() Obj.Parent = game.Workspace -- Put the object in workspace Obj.Handle.CFrame = script.Parent.Head.CFrame +,2,0) --Drop the object inside the tool (Handle) near the monster. The nothing model must be a model with a brick called "Handle" in it script:remove() end
while true do wait(.1) if (script.Parent.Humanoid.Health <1) then -- Change Zombie to the name of your monster "Humanoid" Drop() end end
--This Script Was made by Ferretguy and dreaddraco2. Give us credit in some way if you use this script.