The Goal Different sounds will play at different times. There are 2 sounds in workspace. Sound1 and Sound2. So I need someone to check if the sounds will play:
while true do local minigames = game.Lighting.Minigames:GetChildren() local number = math.random(1, #minigames) local map = minigames[number] local spawns = map.Spawns:GetChildren() game.Workspace.Sound1:Play() for intermission = 25,1,-1 do game.Workspace.Timer.Value = "Intermission: "..intermission wait(1) end game.Workspace.Timer.Value = "The game will start shortly." wait(3) game.Workspace.Timer.Value = "Choosing Minigame..." wait(3) game.Workspace.Timer.Value = "Minigame: " game.Workspace.Sound1:Stop() wait(3) game.Workspace.Timer.Value = "Loading Minigame..." wait(3) local mapModel = map:clone() mapModel.Parent = workspace game.Workspace.Timer.Value = "Teleporting players..." wait(1) for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do player.InGame.Value = true local character = player.Character local randomSpawn = spawns[math.random(#spawns)] -- EDIT if character then character:MoveTo(randomSpawn.Position) -- EDIT end end wait(1) for readySetGo = 3,1,-1 do game.Workspace.Timer.Value = readySetGo wait(1) end game.Workpsace.Sound2:Play() for timer = 90,1,-1 do for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do local character = player.Character if character then character.Humanoid.Died:connect(function() local inGame = player.InGame inGame.Value = false end) -- EDIT end end game.Workspace.Timer.Value = "Time left: "..timer -- Not done yet? Then keep counting, i guess. wait(1) --Wait before the next second counting end game.Workspace.Timer.Value = "Game over! Winners get 15 points!" mapModel:remove() for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do inGame = player.InGame if inGame then if inGame.Value == true then print("It works") local points = player.leaderstats.Points points.Value = points.Value + 15 player:LoadCharacter() end end game.Workspace.Sound2:Stop() wait(3) end