Someone told me that its a good idea to put a waitforchild thing, so i put it in then i didnt work or play in client(roblox launcher thingy)
I'm still unsure of how to work things on clients tips?
local script = script local DebrisService = game:GetService('Debris') local Sound1 = script:WaitForChild("Sound1") local Sound2 = script:WaitForChild("Sound2") local Sound3 = script:WaitForChild("Sound3") while true do wait(2) Alert = script.Alert:Clone() Alert.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui DebrisService:AddItem(Alert, 15) Sound1:Play() wait(21) Sound2:Play() wait(22) Sound3:Play() wait(60) Message = script.Message:Clone() Message.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui DebrisService:AddItem(Message, 101) end