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SystemMessage will not send?

Asked by 9 years ago

Hello, Scriptinghelpers / SH. I have been trying to fix this script ChatMakeSystemMessage, but it will not send the System Message, I have tried many solutions like the following:

1: Try multiple scripts 2: Running through both Game and Studio. 3: Messing with the script

I copied the script straight off the wiki IN A LOCALSCRIPT, but it does not work.. Here it is:

    Text = "Welcome to my game!"; -- RChatMakeSystemMessageequired. Has to be a string!
    Color =,1,1); -- Cyan is (0,255/255,255/255) -- Optional defaults to white:, 255/255, 243/255)
    Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans; -- Optional, defaults to Enum.Font.SourceSansBold
    FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size24; -- Optional, defaults to Enum.FontSize.Size18
Have this been fixed yet? LearnBeginnersLua -2 — 8y

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