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Attempt to Index Upvalue (a nil value)?

Asked by 9 years ago
local OwnerName = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Owner
local MoneyStorage = game:GetService('ServerStorage').MoneyStorage
local Money = MoneyStorage:FindFirstChild(OwnerName)
local Injuries = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Injuries
local InjuryRate = script.Parent.InjuryRate
local MoneyLostOnLawsuit = script.Parent.MoneyLostOnLawsuit

function Lawsuit()
    if script.Parent.MachineOn.Value == true then
        MoneyLostOnLawsuit.Value = Money.Value - (Money.Value * ((Injuries.Value * InjuryRate.Value)/1000)) 
        Money.Value = Money.Value - MoneyLostOnLawsuit.Value
        print ("Money lost in lawsuit: " .. MoneyLostOnLawsuit.Value)
        OwnerName.Value.PlayerGui.LawsuitPopup.TextButton.Visible = true       
        OwnerName.Value.PlayerGui.LawsuitPopup.TextButton.Text = ("You have recently been sued due to injuries caused by your medication! Money Lost: " .. MoneyLostOnLawsuit.Value .." Prevent this by researching methods of protection!")
        wait (0.1)
        print ("Machine is off, lawsuit will not occur!")
        wait (0.1)

wait (10)

When this script runs I get an Index Upvalue 'Money' ( a nil value) error on the line "MoneyLostOnLawsuit.Value = Money.Value-(Money.Value * ((Injuries.Value * InjuryRate.Value)/1000))

Is this happening because I reference Money.Value twice?

I dont really see how this isn't working and if somebody could give some insight that would be great.

Thank you!

1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

Most likely it is because of lines 1-3. Change it to this:

local OwnerName=script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Owner
local MoneyStorage=game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("MoneyStorage")
local Money=MoneyStorage:WaitForChild(OwnerName.Value)

Hope this helped!

I tried this solution and I get a "Arguement missing or nil" error. carcanken 65 — 9y
Okay, try adding the WaitForChild() to line 1. ChipioIndustries 454 — 9y

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