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for i,v in pairs script breaking completely?

Asked by
NotSoNorm 777 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

Ok so I have this script I was making for a friend and for some reason, (I've done this before) it's just breaking, when I try to play the actual game is just fails to request server.

Filtering enabled is: OFF

and before you ask, no my script is not 'disabled'

--[[A HOW 2 DO, 4 U
    ok so you put a part in the model named a uniqe name, then a tool in 'replicatedstorage' named the same thing dun dun dun 

print("This isn't printing") --well it isn't

local deb = false
local dist = 15 --Distance you want it to be activatable

for i,v in pairs (script.Parent.Parent:GetChildren()) do
    if v.ClassName ~= "Script" and v.FindFirstChild("ClickDetector") then
        v.ClickDetector.MaxActivationDistance = dist

for i,v in pairs (script.Parent.Parent:GetChildren()) do --We connect to everything in the model
    if v.ClassName ~= "Script" and v:FindFirstChild("ClickDetector") and v.ClassName ~= "Folder" then --Make sure the thing we're connecting to isn't a script and has a detector
        v.ClickDetector.MouseClick(function(plr) --when the player clicks, run the function
            if deb == false then --Debounce, so the player can only click on it on a certain interval, explained later
                deb = true -- Makes it so they can't click it again
                script.Parent.RemoteEvent:FireClient(game.Players.LocalPlayer, v) --Fire the Insert Handler. You don't really need to know much after that
                wait(.1) --This is the interval we wait after the player clicks, to allow them to click
                deb = false

My layout:

Why do you have a local script in the model? How does the script know what the localplayer is? TurboFusion 1821 — 9y
This is the local script NotSoNorm 777 — 9y
Does this local script ever become the descendant of a player or of a character? TurboFusion 1821 — 9y
Nope, same place the entire time. NotSoNorm 777 — 9y
Well that's your problem, local scripts don't run if they aren't a descendant of the character or of the player. Get rid of the local script and move the code into a server script and it'll work. TurboFusion 1821 — 9y

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