I'm having a problem with my minigame setup. There's a GUI in the StarterGui section that is invisible and when the game launches the gui's map text will say Choosing Map. Choosing Map.. Choosing Map... twice but when It get's to the Map chosing part this comes up.
Can you please help me?
GraveYard = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=277534694" HauntedMansion = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=277534694" Minigames = game.ServerStorage.Minigames:GetChildren() Announce = game.StarterGui.Announcer.Main.GameIMG.ChooseMap Announcing = game.StarterGui.Announcer.Main.GameIMG while true do if game.Players.NumPlayers >3 then randomGame = math.random(1, #Minigames) gameChosen = Minigames[randomGame] wait(0.5) Announce.Text = "Choosing Map." wait(0.5) Announce.Text = "Choosing Map.." wait(0.5) Announce.Text = "Choosing Map..." wait(0.5) Announce.Text = "Choosing Map." wait(0.5) Announce.Text = "Choosing Map.." wait(0.5) Announce.Text = "Choosing Map..." if gameChosen.Name == GraveYard then wait(3.0) Announcing.GraveYard.Visible = true Announce.Text = "Map Chosen:" .. gameChosen.Name end else if gameChosen.Name == HauntedMansion then wait(3.0) Announcing.HauntedMansion.Visible = true Announce.Text = "Map Chosen:" .. gameChosen.Name end end end
The only thing I can see that makes it not to work is the math.random Instead of;
randomGame = math.random(1, #Minigames) gameChosen = Minigames[randomGame]
It should be,
randomGame = Minigames[math.random(1, #Minigames)] gameChosen = Minigames[randomGame]
That's the only problem I see, but if that doesn't work, there must be a different problem.