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Adding angle to Ray.Direction?

Asked by
drahsid5 250 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

So I want to create a field of view without using :GetTouchingParts(), 7 rays rather. (If there's a better method for this, I'd love to know.) I'm trying to see if the player is obscured by a brick, if it's in the AIs view. I have tried using the lookVector of the player's torso, just subtracting from the torso's position and CFrame.Angles() (Which all, did not work.) Can anyone help?

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Answered by 9 years ago

The lookVector of the player's torso is merely what direction the player's character is currently facing.

You need to cast (FindPartOnRay) a Ray from the AI to the player and see if it runs into anything that counts as an obstacle.


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