Can someone tell me why this won't work? output show's no errors.
local frame = script.Parent.OptionsF.Options local button = frame["Arrest Database"] local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer button.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if player.userId == 40973680 then frame:TweenPosition(,-150,2,-100)) end end)
So what you saying is when the player clicks it checks for the id of them, and if its 40973680 then you say just go to 0.5,-150,2,-100. That is not all the tweening is. This is how you would do it:
frame:TweenPosition(,-150,2,-100), "Out", "Quad", 1)
Quad is how the frame slides, and the 1 is how many seconds it takes so like this:
local frame = script.Parent.OptionsF.Options local button = frame["Arrest Database"] local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer button.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if player.userId == 40973680 then frame:TweenPosition(,-150,2,-100), "Out", "Quad", 1) end end)
For more go to Hope it helps!