I want where it says "Player.Character:MoveTo(Vector3.new(-504.2, -9.209, 34))" to get everyone in players and move them to that position.
print"PreyStar's Minigame, why are you looking at console, buddy?" game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player) while true do wait(.1) local Timer = Player.PlayerGui.TimerGui.Frame local map = game.Lighting.Map1:Clone() if Timer.Visible == false then wait(1) Timer.Visible = true for i = 10,1,-1 do Timer.TextLabel.Text = ("Game starts in: "..i) wait(1) end Timer.Visible = false map.Parent = game.Workspace Player.Character:MoveTo(Vector3.new(-504.2, -9.209, 34)) Timer.Visible = true for i = 10,1,-1 do Timer.TextLabel.Text = ("Game ends in: "..i) wait(1) end Timer.Visible = false game.Lighting:FindFirstChild("Map1"):Clone() Player.Character:MoveTo(Vector3.new(-484.898, -9.4, -73.189)) map.Parent = game.Lighting end end end)
local players =game.Players:GetPlayers() for i,v in pairs (players) do v.Character:MoveTo(Vector3.new(-504.2, -9.209, 34)) end